Monday, June 9, 2014


The world is beautiful.

So is humanity.

Most people detest the idea of airports--the long lines, the security checks, masses of people, rushes and delays; I find it beautiful. All those people, together, for just one moment before they all depart for their various destinations. All those different adventures to be had, lessons to be learned.
 I don't just want to visit far away places, I want to travel. I want to be  a part of those masses rushing through airports dragging their carry-on luggage. I want to experience the world, the cultures, the people, the stories. I want to find the best parts of this world, the best parts of humanity, and make it part of who I am. It's that Southern Hospitality I found in the ATL airport, it's meaningful airplane and elevator conversations, it's the woman that came and did sunrise yoga on the beach with me, it's the little girl that held my hand as I shared with her our little hermit crab friend, it's seeing a soldier come home from Afghanistan and kiss his baby boy for the first time, it's our Waffle House waitress with the smoke-ridden raspy voice who shared with us a part of herself, it's the stories and the places that create those stories, it is what makes me proud to be a part of humanity.

I will never cease to be amazed by airplanes. Hundreds of people, along with their luggage, in addition to all the lightly roasted peanuts and coca-cola products; all lifted into the air by a huge metal bird. Lifted by air. How air manages to accomplish so much I'll never understand. Nonetheless, I love watching the houses merge into mountains and the quilt of fields appear--all the green and brown circles and squares. It's a beautiful world, created by God, and I will experience it. No longer am I saying someday, I'm sick of everyone saying, "someday I want to travel the world", I'm making someday today and and that want into a will.

I will travel the world today.

There's those that say they want to change the world. Well guess what, that's kinda hard to do sitting on your butt playing video games all day.
All I'm saying is if you want something, go get it. Go do something. Go start changing the world by changing someone's life, go start traveling the world by recognizing what is right around you. It's a beautiful place with beautiful people and I need to learn a new word to describe beautiful things besides  beautiful. But for now that's the only word in my vocabulary to describe my current life, this world and people: beautiful. 

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